Sunday, January 4, 2009

周杰倫: 說好的辛福呢? (Jay Chou: "What About That Promised Happiness?")

Here is another one of Jay's new songs. It is much sadder (and sappier!) than the last one I posted. Jay's known for his movingly emotional lyrics, but unfortunately after I translated them they kind of lost their feel. But, I hope that you can at least watch the MV and still enjoy ^_^ Jay's piano accompaniment in this song is beautiful!

周杰倫: 說好的辛福呢

妳的繪畫凌亂著 在這個時刻
伴妳斷斷續續唱著歌 假裝沒事了

時間過了走了 愛情面臨選擇
妳冷了倦了 我哭了
一開始的不快樂 妳用卡片細寫著
有些愛只給到這 真的痛了

怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢淹了 我都還記得
開心與不開心 一一細數著 妳在不捨
妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢


English translation:

"What About that Promised Happiness?"
Jay Chou

Your painting is in chaos, in this moment
I think the white dove by the fountain sprinkles sweet honey
The pull of this indescribable feeling, I still love you
You sing on and off, pretend there’s nothing wrong

Time goes by, love is confronted with choice
You’re cold, tired, I cry
The beginning of sadness, you use a card to write finely
Some kinds of love only give until here, it truly hurts

What’s wrong? You are tired, what about that promised happiness?
I understand, you don’t have to say it, the love faded, the dreams have been submerged
Happy and not happy, one by one I count them, again, you don’t give up
That love feels a little too profound, I still remember it
You don’t wait, what about that promised happiness?
I made a mistake, my tears are dry, I let go, I regret
I only remember that the music box still whirls, how can I make it stop?


"What About that Promised Happiness?" Music Video


Sandra said...


我是從Cincinnati Honors的facebook連過來你這邊的。

我是個申請上UC DAAP的台灣高中生,也同時被邀請進UC的Honors program。



Tina Chen said...

Dear Sandra,

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Peter Lee said...

Hi, I'm a translation lover who is a stranger to you.
Your transaltion is great!
But I have a better translation of 情緒莫名的拉扯 我還愛妳呢 as "
feeling somehow ambivalent oh I still love you"
Hope that you can produce more works!